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Ahoy Matey’s!! Did you know it’s International Talk Like A Pirate Day?
Aye!!! If you didn’t know, now you do Matey!
Talk like a Pirate Day is my husby’s second favorite day all year, besides St. Patty’s Day, and it’s only because he can talk with an accent and get on everyone’s nerves. Aye,you heard me right! Arrr, he’s nothing more than a Bilge Rat!
In honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day, Mabel’s Labels is offering two great 50% off promotions!
For today only, Mabel’s Labels is offering 50% off Pirate Ship or Skull ‘n’ Crossbones Sticky Labels in honor of International Talk Like a Pirate Day. And it make your life smooth sailing on those rocky seas, on 9/20, Mabel’s Labels is offering 50% off Plane Sticky Labels for their second year of Talk Like a Pilot Day, created by Mabel’s Labels.
Shiver me timbers, thats a great deal, even for a land lubber like myself!
So be a Smartly Pirate and click on the coupon for great booty of treasure!
And don’t forget to enter “treasure” at checkout.