I am a sucker for holidays.
There really isn’t any holiday that I don’t enjoy or that I don’t like making crafts or food for.
To me, Halloween is such a fun holiday. It’s a day when you can pretend to be anything or anybody you want, even if it’s just for a night!
I usually don’t decorate much for Halloween, mostly for the fact that my Love of Fall takes over (: My daughter uses the expression that “Fall threw up on our porch” haha! Sorry I go into Fall Overload!
We used to turn our house into a Haunted House every year for Girl Scouts. The layout of our house was perfect. The kids could enter into the living room from the carport which was set up as a grave yard complete with tombstones, bones and black lights, from there they entered the kitchen which half was blocked off but it looked like a bloody massacre had took place. There was even the world “Help Me”, written in fake blood with knives. It was awesome.
Then the kids entered the dining room, which was set up as a Haunted Funeral Home. There was complete darkness except for black lanterns with red light bulbs hanging from in the corners, halloween candles sitting on shelves and in the window and on the dining room table was a coffin, with my son inside dressed up as dracula, and as the kids walked by he was raise up and shine a flashlight on his face and scare them.
Then you started down the hallway to the bedrooms. In the first bedroom, we had someone jump out as Michael Myers complete with mask and knife, next was the bathroom which was was decorated as another crime scene, then the next bedroom which two of our friends were in dressed up as the ChainSaw Massacre. One had a real chainsaw and the other had a spray bottle of water so as the kids walked by he would turn the chainsaw on and the other would spray water on them to make them think it was blood.
Then it ended with my bedroom which lead out back, so we had someone in my room to jump out and scare them as they tried to get out the back door!
It was awesome! A lot of work, A lot of clean up, but so worth it. We would end the night outside playing Fear Factor, Bobbing for Apples and having a Weenie and S’mores around the Fire Pit!
I think I’m to old for all that work now. LOL
But to satisfy my kiddos, I normally do a small few things in the house for Halloween still. That includes a few decorations and of course a few yummy treats, but no haunted houses or chain saws!
I have to admit, I do love my black and orange glitter grapevine pumpkins!
Not too much, but just enough in my book!
But one of my favorites I have always enjoyed is making fun Halloween foods.
I wanted to share this adorable cupcake idea with you! I made these and my kids went crazy!!
Here is what you need:
2 cups sugar
2 cups all purpose flour
2 sticks real butter (1 cup)
1 cup water
1/4 cup of Hershey Syrup or 4 tbs of cocoa ( whichever you prefer)
1/2 cup buttermilk (or 1/2 milk with a tbs of white vinegar mixed in)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla ( I prefer 1/2 tsp vanilla paste)
Mix and bring the butter cocoa and water to a boil
Pour mixture over sugar and flour
Beat well
Add the remaining ingredients and mix well
Fill cupcake pans almost 3/4 way full
Bake at 350 for 15-20
I love this super easy icing. I can eat a bowl by its self!
1 container of marshmello cream 6-8 oz
1 cup butter
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla (I prefer 1/2 paste)
Beat softened butter and powdered sugar until fluffy (no lumps)
Add in marshmello cream and vanilla
Mix together by hand
To make the ghosts I simply add frosting in piping bag and swirl up on cupcakes. For the eyes I use sugar eyes found in your baking aisle.
I hope you enjoy these ghostly treats and Happy Halloween!
I love Fall and Halloween, but do very little to show it! Reading this and seeing these pictures was such a treat.