I am so sorry I have been off the radar.
Back in May I made a whim decision to enroll in college to take a few classes. I told myself that I wanted to refresh my mind in math and science classes to be instruct Keegan and Lindy better when they have questions about their assignments.
But the truth is, I needed a new challenge. I needed to focus on something for myself. I really wanted to prove to myself that I could go back to college and finish my degree.
So the journey began.
I applied and registered. I researched scholarships and grants and it seemed time just flew by. By the time I knew it, June was here, I was registered in Intro to Computers and Comp II and classes had started. I went to Kids Church Camp and organized a firework stand for a Guatemala Medical Mission Team Fundraiser for my church, all while studying power points and writing Lit Papers.
I would like to say it was a breeze, but I would be lying. Trying to accomplish 6 hours in 4 1/2 weeks is brutal, esp when writing English papers. But I did it! I completed Comp II with a B. Would have preferred an A, but I guess a high B is good considering I was writing essays and papers at church camp, at a firework stand and in a camper staying on the grounds watching the firework stand.
All of a sudden Summer I was over. It was like I blinked and I have completed 6 hours toward my degree. I literally had 3 days and then Summer II started. Again, 6 hours, but this time instead of Word docs, and reading dramas, I am writing essays on communication for Speech and trying to complete 8 modules of Algebra in a 4 1/2 week summer course.
I would like to say that is a breeze, but in reality I am literally doing 6-8 hours of Algebra a day! YIKES! Did I mention I hate Algebra? But after 2 weeks, I am on track and I have an A in the class.
Going back to school after 12 years was a big step but I am so glad I took it. I am majoring in Bio-Medical so I have a long 2 1/2 years of science ahead of me, but I am so ready for the challenge.
I give myself I day a week to not worry about doing homework, so I chose Friday’s. So after I get out of class at 11 am on Friday’s, I AM FREE, well until Saturday!
Last Friday I used my free time to go to my grandbaby Laila’s 1st Birthday Party. It was so much fun watching her with her smash cake. She had cake everywhere lol.
I promise to not stay away so long. And be on the lookout for an upcoming post “Free Summer Printable Play and Learn Set” and “Homemade Americana Apple Pie Filling”.