I’m so glad that you came back to visit my blog! Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest! For many years I doubted myself on whether or not I was equipping my children, as a homeschooler, with … Continue reading
I’m so glad that you came back to visit my blog! Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest! For many years I doubted myself on whether or not I was equipping my children, as a homeschooler, with … Continue reading
I’m so glad that you came back to visit my blog! Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest! Can you believe that St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner. St. Patty’s is one of my … Continue reading
Needing something fun to do with your little ones during the winter weather? Make sure to hop over to Side Tracked Sarah and check out my new post *FREE* Winter Fun Mini Play and Learn Printable Pack. Geared toward Pre-K-1 … Continue reading
I love homeschooling! I also love reading and listening to other homeschoolers stories, struggles and victories. I hope you will enjoy the homeschool stories I will be sharing from Guest Readers, as much as I do! Savor The Season Homeschooling … Continue reading
As a member of Time4Learning, I have been given the opportunity to review their program and share my experiences. While I was compensated, this review was not written or edited by Time4Learning and my opinion is entirely my own. For … Continue reading
This material for this review was provided by Time4Learning. All opinions are 100% my own. For my full disclosure policy, read here. As a homeschool parent, it is very important to me to be sensitive to the way my children … Continue reading
Today, began the new CO-OP year. For those who haven’t a clue what I am talking about, its our homeschool group that my kiddos attend. We meet once a week where my kids can “socialize”, you know the world thinks … Continue reading
I’ve been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning can be used as a homeschool curriculum, for afterschool enrichment and for summer skill sharpening. Find out how to write your own curriculum review for Time4Learning.
Can you believe it, it’s that time of year again.
The time that children dread and parents celebrate.
Yes, thats right! A New School Year is here.
From some, that time has already begun. For others, like myself, as a homeschool parent, I am still planning and preparing to begin soon.
I enjoy putting lessons together, finding the perfect curriculum that fits my children’s learning style. One thing I have learned over the years of homeschooling, is that every child is different. Just because one style fits one child, doesn’t mean it will fit the next child. Math always seem to be a subject where I have to try several methods of learning before I find a good fit.
I came across Splash Math, and I instantly fell in love.
Splash Math is Interactive Math Lessons for Elementary School Students Grades K-5 at every Skill Level. The Interactive games and rewards, motivate children to learn, practice and improve their math scores. Splash Math is available at home on the computer, on the iPad, on Chromebooks, and in a Classroom Edition for Teachers.
I love how visual the lessons are, how the audio helps explain the instructions clearly.
But I also love how, as a parent, I receive a weekly report via email on the progress of my child. It explains what lessons have been completed on each level and the score for each.
And Splash Math even offers A Summer Program ,an 8-week review program to halt the Summer Slide (students lose 2-3 months of math competency during the summer break if they don’t practice regularly).
Splash Math is perfect as a Full Curriculum or as Supplemental Lessons. Even though my children are past Grade 5, I was so interested for my tutoring students. It fits perfectly for their needs.
I highly recommend this program for everyone. But children who need more visual learning will excel with Splash Math.
I am so excited that Splash Math has teamed up with GraceandGravy for a giveaway. One lucky reader will win a free Splash Math Program! How Awesome is that!
Click on the Rafflecopter Giveaway Link to Enter! And Good Luck!
*Winner will be notified on 8-16
*Review is solely based on my own thoughts and opinions. I was not paid to offer my review.
I can remember when my husby and I decided homeschooling was best for our family. I did not know anything about homeschooling let alone anything about curriculum. The year we began our journey, a lady we knew in our town was ending her homeschool journey and offered us her homeschooling supplies.
Since we knew nothing, we greatly accepted and started with that. What I realized was that it was a great curriculum, Rod and Staff is wonderfully bible-based, easy to use and follow, but what I liked best was how well it transitioned from year to year and how well each grade followed on the same schedule just different levels.
I would supplement with workbooks, printables, fun educational games and activities and field trips. This worked like a charm for our family until I went into full-time ministry. Up until that point, I was free to teach lessons to each child, sit and listen to them read, and go over each and every activity with them. After ministry came along, that was no longer the case. I barely had time to get lessons wrote down, and keeping up with grades was a whole different ballgame.
I had to think and act quickly on another option before my children become confused and far behind. I even had a thought (or maybe it was the voice of others) that at this point in our lives public school would be a better choice for them.
Oh how wrong that was! I cannot believe that I almost let others, spiritual leaders or not, decide what was best for my children and my family. Only my husby and I knew what was best and others thinking they knew the solution better than us was absolutely ludicrous.
So after looking into curriculum’s that would better fit our needs, I stumbled upon Easy Peasy All In One Homeschool. I read the name and thought, how good can that be with a name like Easy Peasy. Then I started researching. Oh my gosh, I was in love. It was laid out day by day, by grades or by subjects and the best part was that it was bible-based written by missionaries/homeschool parents and they offer it for FREE!
It is mostly online which was a blessing since my kiddos were doing alot of school on the go with me. If you are looking into a well organized and well balanced curriculum, I strongly suggest checking them out.
Now my kiddos are entering 10th and 8th grade, I am at home again with them, I do have more time, but I am in desperate need of a curriculum or something that will automatically record and keep their grades for transcripts.
Any suggestions or ideas will be greatly appreciated. But if you need a free and wonderful curriculum look into EP. It starts with Pre-K all the way up to 12th!
Hope everyone has a Wonderful Wednesday full of WIsdom!