My Love for County Fairs & Marietta County Fair Book Series Giveaway


This post is sponsored by Authors of the Marietta Fair Series. My opinions are 100% my own. You can view my full Disclosure Policy here. Well it’s that time again for so many country folk like me. What you say? … Continue reading 

Manic Monday “Countdown to Christmas” Week 1 Scentsy and Giveaway

Manic Monday Giveaway Picture

This post is sponsored by Scentsy Consultant Krissy Mclemore. My opinions are 100% my own. You can view my full Disclosure Policy here. Well it’s official. Twelve Mondays til Christmas. Twelve Mondays to shop and prepare for the Holidays. It’s … Continue reading 

Splash Math Review and Giveaway



Can you believe it, it’s that time of year again.

The time that children dread and parents celebrate.

Yes, thats right!  A New School Year is here.

From some, that time has already begun.  For others, like myself, as a homeschool parent, I am still planning and preparing to begin soon.

I enjoy putting lessons together, finding the perfect curriculum that fits my children’s  learning style.  One thing I have learned over the years of homeschooling, is that every child is different.  Just because one style fits one child, doesn’t mean it will fit the next child.  Math always seem to be a subject where I have to try several methods of learning before I find a good fit.

I came across Splash Math, and I instantly fell in love.

Splash Math is Interactive Math Lessons for Elementary School Students Grades K-5 at every Skill Level. The Interactive games and rewards, motivate children to learn, practice and improve their math scores. Splash Math is available at home on the computer, on the iPad, on Chromebooks, and in a Classroom Edition for Teachers.

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I love how visual the lessons are, how the audio helps explain the instructions clearly.

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But I also love how, as a parent, I receive a weekly report via email on the progress of my child.  It explains what lessons have been completed on each level and the score for each.

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And Splash Math even offers A Summer Program ,an 8-week review program to halt the Summer Slide (students lose 2-3 months of math competency during the summer break if they don’t practice regularly).

Splash Math is perfect as a Full Curriculum or as  Supplemental Lessons.  Even though my children are past Grade 5, I was so interested for my tutoring students.  It fits perfectly for their needs.

I highly recommend this program for everyone.  But children who need more visual learning will excel with Splash Math.

I am so excited that Splash Math has teamed up with GraceandGravy for a giveaway.  One lucky reader will win a free Splash Math Program!  How Awesome is that!

Click on the Rafflecopter Giveaway Link to Enter!  And Good Luck!

*Winner will be notified on 8-16

a Rafflecopter giveaway


*Review is solely based on my own thoughts and opinions.  I was not paid to offer my review.