Do you have local festivals?
Our county (which consists of 5 small, mainly rural, towns) hosts The Peach Festival, every July, that has been ongoing 1938! Wow! It’s actually the oldest festival in the state of Arkansas. I feel honored to be a part of such amazing history every year.
And did I mention food?
Just like county fairs, our festivals have some of the best food around! Funnel Cakes, Fried Pies, Foot Long Corn Dogs, and Snow Cones, you can pretty much find it all here.

Photo Courtesy of The Peach Festival Board
The Peach Festival will start next week, so to get in the “Peachy” spirit I decided to start experimenting with peach recipes.
I love peaches! I love the sweet, juicy taste that runs down your chin as you take a big bite (: In fact I don’t think I have came across a single peach dish that I haven’t loved!
If you have read my bio, then you know I’m a crunchy girl. Technically I love the Earth, try to eat organic as much as possible and I make a lot of our soaps and cleaners. I’m also a vegetarian so I eat a lot of granola.
I really like making my own so I can determine exactly what I am adding to it. So I wanted to share this super easy Baked Granola and Peaches recipe with you today.

Baked Granola & Peaches
What you need:
4 fresh peaches
For Granola:
1 cups oats
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 brown sugar
1/8 cup oil
1/2 cup homemade or organic maple syrup

What you do:
1) Cut your peaches in half and remove pit.
2) Spoon a small amount of peach out to make room for granola.
3) Mix the oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and oil together and then add in maple syrup.
4) Spoon granola onto each peach half.
5) Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and lay peaches on.
6) Bake peaches at 350 for appx 15-20 mins or until peaches are soft.
Another option for Granola:
If you want granola for later, spread evenly on lined cookie sheet and bake. Store in a dry container.
Super easy and super delish! Great for breakfast, brunch or a mid-afternoon snack.
You can top with cream (pictured) if you desire. This cream consists of heavy whipping cream which I mixed until it become creamed. I’m not a cream snob (: I enjoy my Ready Whip and Cool Whip just like anybody else! Ice Cream is also very good on top of the warm peaches!
Pick your Pleasure and Enjoy!

And don’t miss The Peach Festival Blog Post coming soon!