This post is sponsored. Please understand all opinions are my own. For more info read my disclosure here. It is insane how fast our children grow up. It seems like just last week I was showcasing my daughter’s finger painting … Continue reading
This post is sponsored. Please understand all opinions are my own. For more info read my disclosure here. It is insane how fast our children grow up. It seems like just last week I was showcasing my daughter’s finger painting … Continue reading
This post is sponsored by Authors of the Marietta Fair Series. My opinions are 100% my own. You can view my full Disclosure Policy here. Well it’s that time again for so many country folk like me. What you say? … Continue reading
Tweet #wakeupwednesdaylinky Welcome to the 35th week of Wake Up Wednesday “Linky” 25 Blogs – 1 Party & Giveaway We are so excited to have you all party with us. Thank you so much to … Continue reading
As a child, anytime I wasn’t feeling well I remember my momma making Chicken Noodle Soup. She would always say, “This will make you feel better”. Now, I don’t know how much of that statement was true, but I do … Continue reading
I’m currently suffering through the hottest month of the year when my desk fan becomes next to useless no matter how high I turn it up. Homemade ice cream recipes to the rescue!
Joanna’s Andalusian Zucchini Tortilla
Are you curious like me where the zucchini is?
Football season is just about underway! Whether it is a club, college, high school or professional teams are practicing and getting ready for another exciting season. My family loves to watch football. Of course football also means snacks, so to go along with our first game of the season I created this portable SNICKERS Pretzel Snack with cute little football bags.
How to Make Elderberry Extract
I had these delicious Bourbon-Map
le sweet potatoes as one of my sides. Ben doesn’t normally like sweet potatoes (which is one reason I ordered them!- kidding!) but he inhaled these babies. I decided to try to recreate the sweet potato recipe for our Thanksgiving meal and they were pretty spot-on.
Blairsden Mansion Tour: Part 2
In case you missed Part 1, I’m taking you on the mother of all house tours…
at Blairsden Mansion, in Peapack-Gladstone NJ.which was the site of a
Designer Showhouse fundraiser, back in May.
This frosty treat makes a refreshing ending to any summer meal. Simply scoop the slushy mixture into bowls or tall glasses and enjoy a refreshing dessert, all while still getting that melon flavor fix, albeit without all the dripping. Add a splash of vodka for an even sweeter summer adult beverage.
Finally, we found a dresser that fit out needs. It wasn’t too over-scale, had 9 drawers, and was only $100.
I was going to come up with a simple crock pot recipe, and then I found this decadent pumpkin butter recipe from I Bake, He Shoots. I tried it, loved it, and now…it’s the one I’m going to recommend. (Well, that’s an easy first day, isn’t it?)
Ever since I was five, my mother and I have always made this Classic Cherry Pie for special occasions or just dessert. I’ve never lost my taste for cherries…or dessert. This recipe has been a family favorite for years. A simple recipe easy to make for busy days.
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$25 Starbucks
$65 in Prime Ad Spaces
Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, crafts, decorating, fashion, makeup, health & fitness, recipes, mommy moments — anything at all, as long as it is family-friendly.
Please visit some other bloggers and make some new friends and say hello to old friends..
It has taken me a while to write this post, and as I sit here and type my fingers feel so heavy.
Most bloggers, social media junkies or movie lovers were posting, tweeting and commenting minutes if not moments after hearing the news of the suicude of Robin Williams.
But I couldn’t.
I remember standing in my bathroom that afternoon as my husband walks up and tells me what had happened. For most of our society, they automatically wanted to share their favorite movie or how Robin made them laugh through the years. But for me, my mind went in a different direction. My thoughts were, “What battles was he fighting inside?”, “How much pain was he feeling but not sharing with the ones he loved?”, “Did he reach out or try to keep up the facade of everything is okay?”.
Robin Williams was a man who made others smile, while he was dying inside. When did his laughter turn to tears for him? Was making others laugh and smile a coping mechanism for his own survival?” These questions will probably never be answered because for the hurting people its not easy to share or explain.
You might wander why my thoughts went to his pain that day?
See, I also struggle with mental illness. I am diagnosed with Bi-Polar (aka manic depression), Anxiety and Panic Disorders, OCD and even though I haven’t officially been diagnosed yet, we are leaning toward Highly Sensitive Disorder (HSD). I knew even as a young child I was different. I was creative, and enjoyed being by myself. I would sit in my room all weekend and read or make up stories. As a teenager, relationships became difficult. I would get upset over the slightest thing and withdraw from friends.
Relationships failed.
After I was married and had children my symptoms were severe. I would sit in my closet and rock back and forth. When the world said something was okay, I had a meltdown. See in my world little things become big things and they are not okay. Finally after the death of my momma, I had the trigger that would define me for the rest of my life. I was under so much stress and grief, that was all it took to flip my switch inside my head.
Mental Illness is cruel. It is exhausting. The world does not understand and even though we live in a day of modern medicine where so many illnesses are normal, mental illness is still judged and you can never be normal. It’s hard to know that no matter how much treatment you have, and meds you take the illness is never going away.
I’m not sure why we all experience struggles and hardships. I’m not sure why when we try our hardest to be a light in the world of darkness, to serve God’s people, to show love when no one else is, why we still become broken.
In the past month I had made a decision for myself and my health to take a step back from so many obligations. To start saying “No” for a change and focus on me, something that I’m not very good at.
See, I’ve never focused on me. It’s always been about everybody else. Isn’t that what we are taught? To not be selfish, that our life is not our own? But what I realized in the midst of giving my whole self away to everyone and everything that needed me, I lost me.
I lost the person I was, the person who had dreams and visions for who I wanted to be, the person who stood out in the crowds for not being scared to take a risk. But everytime I gave a little more of me away, I became someone I didn’t recognize. I started realizing that people are cruel, heartless and so judgemental. People are selfish. It’s all about how much more can they get.
And how we live in a society of laziness. Forget doing anything for yourself. Just have someone else do it for you.
I was raised in a older generation family. A family where hard work was not an option. Where you took care of your family and you didn’t play a victim so you could get help without doing any work for it. You kept your problems quiet. You worked them out within the walls of your own home. You didn’t need to shout it from the rooftops or on Social Media. A time of slower pace and so much more simplicity. I realized, that is still who I am. I am still that person who was raised in simplicity. Who made sure her family was taken care of and who wasn’t in a constant rat race.
I started enjoying being alone, being at home. In the quietness of my own walls I found peace and solace. I started finding interests I enjoyed. Ways to share my creativity without being overwhelmed and overran. I started realizing I enjoyed the companionship of my fur-babies. I loved the joy they experienced when I was around. The unconditional love I experienced from them. I started finding myself living for them. For a living soul who was genuinely happy I was alive. Who, no matter what mood I was experiencing, knew no judgements against me.
So I had made the decision to put focus back on me a month ago. To start worrying about my dreams, and my visions again. To slow down, stop back and get healthy.
Since that time two of my fur-babies have died.
Am I being punished for loving them?
Am I being punished for being selfish for the first time in my life?
I’m not really sure.
All I know is I am broken. I am hurting, I’m mad, and I’m angry. But most of all I have so much guilt that I’m hating myself.
I’m I being taught a lesson or is it just life I’m experiencing?
I don’t know the answer. All I know is that the more pain and hurt I experience the more I want to surround myself within the walls on my own home and try to protect the ones who matter most in my heart.
See I’m human.
And I’m grieving.
Maybe it’s not over a human life but it’s over a life that showed me more love than most would dare to do.
When you have the illness I have, and it already takes an army to fight each day, any loss becomes too much to bear. The world becomes a dark, ugly place that I no longer want to be involved in.
I hate the battles that are inside me. I’m not sure why I’m being tormented.
Why did God decide I needed to have this illness.
I can’t seem to find peace anymore. I keep praying for God to shed some light on the situation but I can’t find the answers. I feel I’m losing myself.
I’m in an emotional war. A war I pray that others never have to experience.
So today, I am doing something for myself. I am taking a huge step to get emotional healthy. It will not be easy, it will not be quick. But it will be worth it in the end. I am tired of saying I’m Okay, when I’m not. I’m tired of putting on a smile when I’m dying inside.
Today is the day I find peace. I will be on a health, healing and prayer sabbatical for the next few weeks. Until I return I ask you to pray for my health and my healing. I ask you to pray for the others who are hurt and broken but hasn’t found the courage to step forward. I pray you take care of yourself.
I have a special table set for our lunch today using some of the new pieces I found at the auction and yard sales over the week end.
August’s box had some really great products. The first was Whish Shave Crave that is a shaving cream with the scent of grapefruit. Really nice! There was also a citrus-y smelling cologne by Harvey Prince called Ageless.
I planted sunflowers in our garden for the first time this summer and they have made a wonderful addition to our garden. I have dried some of the larger flowers to use in a fall wreath.
Trash to Treasure: Bar Car Edition
We all know that bar carts are all the rage right now and who’s surprised? Not I- even if you don’t want to use them to house alcoholic beverages, how can you not be a fan of a bit of extra storage that you can move around?!
This is so simple but messy! It’s definitely worth the mess.
Here’s why PicMonkey is a blogger’s best friend!
How to Make a Simple Fall Centerpiece
10 Back to School Tips for Moms
Loving our kids too much – home vs. daycare
Zucchini parmesan bites – thin sliced zucchini, parmesan, onions, and eggs.
This is a great recipe for using up zucchini from the garden bounty.
I’m not posting this as an expert {I’m not even close} but I do want to share with you all the things I’ve done intuitively or learned that have worked for me on my way making connections, friends or any kind of relationships.
If you had told me two years ago I would be sharing a recipe where the star is beans, I would probably laugh. I was never really one to enjoy eating beans.
Front: 20″ x 23″ (solid pink)
Wide Cuff: 20″ x 13″ (Green polka dot)
Narrow Cuff: 20″ x 2-1/2″ (Orange Flower/Paisley)
Back: 20″ x 35-1/2″ (Orange Flower/Paisley)
Quite honestly, I’ve never felt good about the perfectly white, flowable, processed stevia products out there.
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$25 Target
$25 Amazon
$25 Starbucks
$65 in Prime Ad Spaces
Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, crafts, decorating, fashion, makeup, health & fitness, recipes, mommy moments — anything at all, as long as it is family-friendly.
Please visit some other bloggers and make some new friends and say hello to old friends..
Welcome one and all to This Momma’s Meandering Mondays #62 and I want to offer a great, big thank you in advance to all of you who link up with us! It has been a great honor and blessing to a a Guest Host this past month with Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings. Thank you Stacey from the bottom of my heart, I have met so many new blogging friends, and I have learned so much that it is beyond amazing how I feel.
Week #62 This Momma’s Meandering Mondays
Now…let’s get the party started and come on in and join the fun by linking up your favorite posts! We had an absolutely awesome week last week! Share the fun and make some new friends, find a new yummy treat, or find a wonderful new craft idea to make. This is a great way to grow in your friendships! But before we start this party…Grab a badge!
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Today, I would like to now give a warm Meandering Mondays welcome to our new co-host for the month of September…Victoria from Giveaways 4 Mom!
Victoria is the owner of Giveaways 4 Mom. She is a full time work at home mom of three young boys. She started Giveaways 4 Mom to show moms that they could indeed win online giveaways and over the years, it has evolved into so much more. In her free time, she loves taking her boys to events and amusement parks.
This will be the last week for our co-host for the month of August, so be sure to stop by to read the wonderful guest post that she did, just click on the link below…Welcome Miranda from Grace and Gravy!
Miranda is the author behind the blog GraceandGravy with a side of life! She is a Crunchy, Country Mama giving her look on a Homemade Life of Homeschool, Good Eats, (Mis) Adventures, and Living Grace-Filled Everyday! Miranda resides in Arkansas with her sweet husby William that she has been married to for 15 years and a homeschool mama to kiddos Keegan and Lindy. She loves her four-legged, fur babies and they make her life complete. Miranda is passionate about blogging, reading, crafting, cooking, planning/decorating, and learning to be a more self-sufficient Homesteader.
Here is a wonderful guest post that she contributed to my site a couple of weeks ago, called, “Ten Things I Want My Children to Know About Me“! Such an amazing post from the heart!
Now stop in and say howdy to my linky party partners in fun…
The wonderful Jessica from The Wondering Brain and Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures.
Grab a badge and join the party!
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Now it is time to introduce our favorite This Momma’s Meanderer’s from last week, and boy oh boy it was a difficult choice! Don’t forget to grab your “I Was Featured” badge of honor! Congratulations to you all!
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Miranda’s favorite post came from Ten at the Table with the post “Stromboli Step by Step!”
Saying, ” I am such a bread lover and enjoy any type of pizza/sandwich style food. This recipe is so doable especially in a hurry!”
Natasha’s favorite post came from Jayhawk Mommy with the post “Teaching My Toddlers Manners!”
Saying, “I am a stickler on manners with my son. It is very important to me that he is a mannerable young man – making sure he says Thank You, Yes please, You’re welcome, Bless you, etc. I definitely see that there is a lack of children being polite and mannerable, and growing up that was such an important factor with my grandparents and parents. Therefore, I want to encourage my son to do the same. Thanks for sharing this great post!”
My favorite post came from Jayhawk Mommy with the post “Teaching My Toddlers Manners!”
What a wonderful post! I see so many children that have long since passed the toddler stage, with absolutely no manners and no respect, and it saddens me greatly for the state of future generations. It makes me feel so wonderful, when my own children at 12, 14, & 21, still use the manners and respect that they have been taught since birth. Thank you so much for sharing!
Congratulations to all of you amazing and wonderful linkers! Don’t forget to grab and display our “Featured” badge!
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Thank you to all of you who joined us last week!
I am looking for October co-hosts for This Momma’s Meandering Mondays? If interested, please drop me a line at [email protected]. I would love to have you along for the ride! You can also check out my sponsor page for more info.
Now let’s get this party started!
Remember everyone enjoys a little comment love!
Feel free to “meander” by some fellow bloggers and find a new recipe to make for the family, a helpful blogging tip, a funny story to read, and best of all a new friend to make! There are really no rules to follow, only some suggestions to keep in mind…because we are all to enjoy the friendships that come along by doing these few simple and wonderful things…
1. Link up your favorite post…a story, a recipe, a photo, or a helpful tip…As many as you want, that’s right as many as you want!!!!
2. Please follow our Host’s
3. Find some new friends to follow, friendships are what it’s all about!
4. Be sure to leave some comment love, to get it in return.
5. Grab our badge and display on your blog, sharing the love is what it’s all about.
Meander through the links and make some new friends, find some amazing and useful tips, and maybe even a new treat to try!
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Welcoming you to link up all of your favorite sites for This Momma’s Meandering Mondays 62, for more opportunity to Meander around and share the love! So happy Linking everyone!
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Welcome one and all to This Momma’s Meandering Mondays 60 and I want to offer a great, big thank you in advance to all of you who link up with us!
Now…let’s get the party started and come on in and join the fun by linking up your favorite posts! We had an absolutely awesome week last week! Share the fun and make some new friends, find a new yummy treat, or find a wonderful new craft idea to make. This is a great way to grow in your friendships! But before we start this party…Grab a badge!
<a href=”http://thismommasramblings.com/” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://i1308.photobucket.com/albums/s608/ssgannett/ThisMommasMeanderingMondays_zps5366bef9.jpg” border=”0″ alt=” photo ThisMommasMeanderingMondays_zps5366bef9.jpg”/></a>
Please join me in welcoming our new co-host for the month of August…Miranda from Grace and Gravy!
Miranda is the author behind the blog GraceandGravy with a side of life! She is a Crunchy, Country Mama giving her look on a Homemade Life of Homeschool, Good Eats, (Mis) Adventures, and Living Grace-Filled Everyday! Miranda resides in Arkansas with her sweet husby William that she has been married to for 15 years and a homeschool mama to kiddos Keegan and Lindy. She loves her four-legged, fur babies and they make her life complete. Miranda is passionate about blogging, reading, crafting, cooking, planning/decorating, and learning to be a more self-sufficient Homesteader.
Here is a wonderful guest post that she contributed to my site last week called, “Ten Things I Want My Children to Know About Me“! Such an amazing post from the heart!
Now stop in and say howdy to my linky party partners in fun…
The wonderful Jessica from The Wondering Brain and Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures.
Grab a badge and join the party!
<a href=”http://thismommasramblings.com/” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://i1308.photobucket.com/albums/s608/ssgannett/ThisMommasMeanderingMondays_zps5366bef9.jpg” border=”0″ alt=” photo ThisMommasMeanderingMondays_zps5366bef9.jpg”/></a>
Now it is time to introduce our favorite This Momma’s Meanderer’s from last week, and boy oh boy it was a difficult choice! Don’t forget to grab your “I Was Featured” badge of honor! Congratulations to you all!
<a href=”http://thismommasramblings.com” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://i1308.photobucket.com/albums/s608/ssgannett/MondayHopBadgeFeatured_zpsdfc0f08f.jpg” border=”0″ alt=” photo MondayHopBadgeFeatured_zpsdfc0f08f.jpg”/></a>
Miranda’s favorite post came from Life As I Know It with the post “Weekending!”
Saying, “I like this post because I love getting away for the weekend. I love family time and relaxation. Those are the best vacations or staycations.”
Jessica’s favorite post came from Giveaways 4 Mom with the post “5 Reasons Age Three is Worse Than Age 2!”
Saying, “As a mom who has a 3 year old, I wholeheartedly agree! The most definite agreement is demanding. Now that my son is talking more his favorite words are “I want” and if he doesn’t get what he wants the terror screams happen! Boy oh boy! LOL!”
Natasha’s favorite post came from Just A Touch of Crazy with the post “5 Tips for Reading with A Kid Who Hates to Read!”
Saying, “I have been very fortunate to have a child that loves to read. However, if he didn’t enjoy reading, I would probably take advantage of these tips. Great post!”
My favorite post came from Organized Chaos with the post “What Makes Women Feel Beautiful!”
Such a beautiful post! Because of a great deal of negativity towards me, during my growing up years, it took me a long while to realize that I was beautiful on the inside, where it counts the most! I also realized that it is my husband and my kids who make me feel the most beautiful. When my kids tell me that I am the best mommy ever or when they come and tell me those things that have likely added to my gray hairs, I truly feel beautiful, because I know that they have complete trust in me.
Congratulations to all of you amazing and wonderful linkers! Don’t forget to grab and display our “Featured” badge!
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=” photo MondayHopBadgeFeatured_zpsdfc0f08f.jpg”/></a>
Thank you to all of you who joined us last week!
I am looking for September co-hosts for This Momma’s Meandering Mondays? If interested, please drop me a line at [email protected]. I would love to have you along for the ride! You can also check out my sponsor page for more info.
Now let’s get this party started!
Remember everyone enjoys a little comment love!
Feel free to “meander” by some fellow bloggers and find a new recipe to make for the family, a helpful blogging tip, a funny story to read, and best of all a new friend to make! There are really no rules to follow, only some suggestions to keep in mind…because we are all to enjoy the friendships that come along by doing these few simple and wonderful things…
1. Link up your favorite post…a story, a recipe, a photo, or a helpful tip…As many as you want, that’s right as many as you want!!!!
2. Please follow our Host’s
3. Find some new friends to follow, friendships are what it’s all about!
4. Be sure to leave some comment love, to get it in return.
5. Grab our badge and display on your blog, sharing the love is what it’s all about.
Meander through the links and make some new friends, find some amazing and useful tips, and maybe even a new treat to try!
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Welcoming you to link up all of your favorite sites for This Momma’s Meandering Mondays 60, for more opportunity to Meander around and share the love! So happy Linking everyone!
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You might remember a TBT I posted a while back titled “Children of the Okra”. It was an old post that I re-shared about an awful experience in the Okra Jungle, helping my dad. I get chills just thinking about that day. I swore, Yes I swore, I would never eat okra again, but somewhere between then and now the thoughts from that day became less frightening and Fried Okra starting sounding appealing again!
A few weeks ago my dad brought over a few bags of okra that had finally decided to produce. Well, I certainly couldn’t pass it up so I decided to conquer my fear of okra and fry up some for dinner. My family was extremely pleased that my fear of okra was gone, because they had been missing my Southern Fried Okra for sometime now!
I got to work right away cutting it up, bagging most for the freezer and saving a bowl for dinner.
My okra batter is pretty basic. But it sure is good ole southern amazing!
What you need:
1 cup corn meal
1/2 flour
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)
1 cup buttermilk
(0r 1 cup milk and 1 tbsp on vinegar, let set for appx 3 mins)
2 eggs
2 cups of cut okra
What you do:
Get your pan of oil hot and ready. (I use a cast iron Dutch Oven Skillet)
Slightly whisk your cornmeal, flour, salt, and peppers together in bowl.
In a separate bowl mix your milk and eggs together.
Add appx 10 pieces of okra into egg/milk.
Using a metal spoon with holes, scoop up okra and let mixture drain for a second before adding to the dry mixture.
Completely cover in the dry mixture and add to hot oil.
Fry until golden brown and crispy!
Continue until all okra is fried.
You will LOVE this okra! And to make it extra amazing, dip it in some good ole ranch! Yummo!
Don’t get much better than this here is the South!
This week it’s all been about Freshness, including Fresh Photos!
So to go along with my Fresh, Fried Okra, I wanted to share with you some Fresh, Fun Photos taken by my friend and amazing photographer Erin Wilson.
Erin, from Carosello Blog is a handmade business owner, wife, mom and word mispronouncer. She blogs about her favorite things, cooking, business life, decor, DIY and personal style. She just moved from Oklahoma to Boston-ish and then back down to Arkansas. She has been a big city gal most of her life and now living in a quaint little small town. She just bought a new house and are deep into renovating madness. Erin always love a good cardigan, pink pedicures, liquid eyeliner, hot tea and exploring all things local.
This past week, Erin captured some amazing shoots of my daughter Lindy.
I think I will cry now.
She looks way to grown up in this pictures!
I can’t believe this shots!
My baby isn’t a baby anymore ):
You can also find Erin on Facebook. Head over and show her some Bloggy Love!
Hope everyone enjoys the Freshness this week!