Wisdom Wednesday: Options for Homeschooling Curriculum

I can remember when my husby and I decided homeschooling was best for our family.  I did not know anything about homeschooling let alone anything about curriculum.  The year we began our journey, a lady we knew in our town was ending her homeschool journey and offered us her homeschooling supplies.  

Since we knew nothing, we greatly accepted and started with that.  What I realized was that it was a  great curriculum,  Rod and Staff is  wonderfully bible-based, easy to use and follow, but what I liked best was how well it transitioned from year to year and how well each grade followed on the same schedule just different levels.

I would supplement with workbooks, printables, fun educational games and activities and field trips.  This worked like a charm for our family until I went into full-time ministry.  Up until that point, I was free to teach lessons to each child, sit and listen to them read, and go over each and every activity with them.  After ministry came along, that was no longer the case.  I barely had time to get lessons wrote down, and keeping up with grades was a whole different ballgame.

I had to think and act quickly on another option before my children become confused and far behind.  I even had a thought (or maybe it was the voice of others) that at this point in our lives public school would be a better choice for them.  

Oh how wrong that was!  I cannot believe that I almost let others, spiritual leaders or not, decide what was best for my children and my family.  Only my husby and I knew what was best and others thinking they knew the solution better than us was absolutely ludicrous.

So after looking into curriculum’s that would better fit our needs, I stumbled upon Easy Peasy All In One Homeschool.  I read the name and thought, how good can that be with a name like Easy Peasy.  Then I started researching.  Oh my gosh, I was in love.  It was laid out day by day, by grades or by subjects and the best part was that it was bible-based written by missionaries/homeschool parents and they offer it for FREE!

It is mostly online which was a blessing since my kiddos were doing alot of school on the go with me.  If you are looking into a well organized and well balanced curriculum, I strongly suggest checking them out.



Photo by EP

Now my kiddos are entering 10th and 8th grade, I am at home again with them, I do have more time, but I am in desperate need of a curriculum or something that will automatically record and keep their grades for transcripts.

Any suggestions or ideas will be greatly appreciated.  But if you need a free and wonderful curriculum look into EP.  It starts with Pre-K  all the way up to 12th!

Hope everyone has a Wonderful Wednesday full of WIsdom!

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