This post may contain affiliate links. Click here to read my full disclosure. Are you a blogger? Are you looking to Make Money Blogging? Then you came to the right place! Right now Gymboree is accepting new Affiliates. Yes, you … Continue reading
This post may contain affiliate links. Click here to read my full disclosure. Are you a blogger? Are you looking to Make Money Blogging? Then you came to the right place! Right now Gymboree is accepting new Affiliates. Yes, you … Continue reading
Tweet #wakeupwednesdaylinky Welcome to the 38th week of Wake Up Wednesday “Linky” 25 Blogs – 1 Party & Giveaway We are so excited to have you all party with us. Thank you so much to all those who … Continue reading
beautiful and unique things for your home and makes wonderful gifts for friends and family. So grab your surface, your patterns, your paint and your brushes and lets begin this adventure together!
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Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, crafts, decorating, fashion, makeup, health & fitness, recipes, mommy moments — anything at all, as long as it is family-friendly.
span style="background-color:white;color:#2c2b2b;font-size:12px;line-height:18px;">Please visit some other bloggers and make some new friends and say hello to old friends..
English muffins are one of the very first types of bread that I ever attempted, which is why I always have a soft spot for them. For years I adored English muffins – whether they came from the supermarket out of a packet or in the form of a McMuffin from McDonalds, but it wasn’t until I made my own that I fell completely head over heels in love with them.
Homemade Espresso Drinks (Lattes, etc) – No Fancy Machine Needed!from Thrifty N Woman
This cold weather is causing me to seek some solice in a warm, cozy cup of coffee. Well, more accurately, a creamy foamy latte (hazelnut is my flavor of choice this morning). I worked my way through college as a Barista, and have not stopped whipping up espresso drinks since. Now my family and neighbors are the ones drinking my lattes.
In this world of go, go, go and do, do, do, it’s easy to drift far from the One who holds us secure. The One who goes before us, stands at our right hand and has the ability to keep us from being shaken.
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Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, crafts, decorating, fashion, makeup, health & fitness, recipes, mommy moments — anything at all, as long as it is family-friendly.
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Icon coming soon!
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So I’ve been missing you guys! Been so busy the past few days settling into summertime. Of course for my family, our summertime started 6 weeks ago when we finished our homeschool year, but for public school they just got out for summer vacation this past week. My daughter Lindy and I, have taken a summer tutoring job to help raise our funds needed for our Mission Trip to Guatemala. Its been a challenge to say the least! Give me another week or so and we will get in the swing of it!
I mentioned on my last post that I was selected as a Street Team Member for Author ReaAnne Thayne’s new book “Wild Iris Ridge”, which will be available on June 24th! Part of my duties is writing reviews on the book, which by the way is AMAZING!!! I literally could not put the book down, it was so good! If you are into Fictional Romance, you must check this book out! You can also check out my review on Goodreads @ https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/962889399
Please let me know if your interested in a copy and I will mark you down for a pre order! I’m saddened though that this was the last book in her series “Hope’s Crossing”. I could definitely enjoy a few more in this series!
I also wanted to share a few link parties I have participated in this past week:
And don’t miss my upcoming Blog Post: I Found My Thrill On Blueberry Hill: Part 1
Hope to hear from each of you! Until we meet again, Miranda
Wow, what a busy week full of celebrations and activities this has been. Now don’t get me wrong, I love celebrating, I love parties, but there was just a few too many in one week for me!
But I didn’t want to leave out any special occasions from my blog so I decided to do a picture collage of all the events I did not to get to share throughout the week!
We started last Friday morning with my Grandson Wyatt’s Kindergarden Graduation.(yes grandson, no judgement please) (Top left and middle picture) It was so adorable all of the children getting to walk across the stage in their little gown and cap!
That night we celebrated my son Keegan’s 15th Birthday with family and friends. I will share a full blog post of that later!
Saturday arrived and we spent the day celebrating my great-nephew’s 1st Birthday with a full FIESTA! His daddy is full hispanic and his family was gracious enough to host us all for a day of fun and AWESOME FOOD! (Top right picture, Middle left picture) I seriously felt I was in back in Guatemala, (sigh) it was wonderful!
Our church is starting a new series in our Children’s Department, so my sweet husby and I spent one evening this week decorating for “Clubhouse Pirate Adventure”. Argggg! Ahoy Matey! (middle center and middle right pictures) We always have a great time coming up with the vision and putting it into place! And to see the smiles on all the kiddo’s faces this weekend was PRICELESS!
After all of that celebrating and decorating, we slowed it down for a Date Night! (Bottom left picture) We had a bit of celebrating to do ourselves. I had just received notice that day, that i was selected to be a part of Author ReaAnne Thayne’s Street Team for her upcoming new release “Wild Iris Ridge”. I was beyond excited!
We decided on a quiet evening at a local Coffee Shop where we had some yummy drinks and treats. We ended the night at the bookstore which is one of my FAVORITE places! He is so good to me!
Yesterday, we wrapped the week up with my granddaughter Lilli’s 3rd Birthday! (Bottom center and bottom right pictures) Look how sweet she is blowing out her candle. (: And yes that is my VERY pregnant daughter beside sweet Lilli. She is due in 7 weeks! Lilli had a pool party and BBQ for her birthday and being the cool Mimi that I am, I made her a Bubble Guppie cake!
I was so shocked to see her jump off that diving board! WOW!
For once I can honestly say I am so glad tomorrow is Monday and a new week! I think its time for a slow-down!
I also wanted to share the Awesome Blogs I linked up with this weekend:
Drop by and check them out!
And “In Case You Missed It”, make sure to check out my blog posts from this past week!
Have an AWESOME Monday!
My family loves the Hispanic Culture. From the people, to the feista’s to the food. My community has a large Hispanic Population, so with that comes several Mexican Restuarants in town. And we normally eat at our favorite mexican resturant or cook Mexican food at home twice a week.
First, I started with the salsa-I really love making this and it’s not a Mexican Dinner without salsa! A friend from years ago taught me and after tweaking for my family a little I finally found the perfect recipe!
My salsa recipe will make a quart size mason jar.
Here is what it consists of:
1 Lg can of crushed tomatoes
2-3 jalapeños (add an extra for more heat)
1 bunch of green onions
2 heaping tables of minced garlic
1- 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
A few leafs of cilantro
In blender, mix jalapeño with a couple tablespoons of water and purée. Best if peppers are sliced down middle. I leave seeds for extra heat.
Next add tomatoes, minced garlic and salt and nd and a few leaves of cilanteo blend a couple of times.
Then take 3-4 green onions tops and dice them down to the white onion part. if you do not like chunks in salsa then blend them up with the rest of the mixture. If you do like chunks, don’t blend the onions but just stir them in salsa.
Pour in jar and leave overnight so the flavors will mix together yum!