What a Review….

wild iris ridge

So I’ve been missing you guys!  Been so busy the past few days settling into summertime.  Of course for my family, our summertime started 6 weeks ago when we finished our homeschool year, but for public school they just got out for summer vacation this past week.  My daughter Lindy and I, have taken a summer tutoring job to help raise our funds needed for our Mission Trip to Guatemala. Its been a challenge to say the least!  Give me another week or so and we will get in the swing of it!

I mentioned on my last post that I was selected as a Street Team Member for Author ReaAnne Thayne’s new book “Wild Iris Ridge”, which will be available on June 24th!  Part of my duties is writing reviews on the book, which by the way is AMAZING!!!  I literally could not put the book down, it was so good!  If you are into Fictional Romance, you must check this book out!  You can also check out my review on Goodreads @ https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/962889399

Please let me know if your interested in a copy and I will mark you down for a pre order!  I’m saddened though that this was the last book in her series “Hope’s Crossing”.  I could definitely enjoy a few more in this series!

I also wanted to share a few link parties I have participated in this past week:






And don’t miss my upcoming Blog Post: I Found My Thrill On Blueberry Hill: Part 1

Hope to hear from each of you!  Until we meet again, Miranda

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